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Q: In what part of north America were the olmec and Maya cultures located?
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Where the Aztecs incas Mayas and Olmec settled in the US?

These Native Americans were located in South America, not North America

Where were the Olmec and Chavin located?

Central America.

Did the Olmec ever meet the Phoencians?

It is very unlikely. The Olmec were a civilization found in Mexico (North America), and the Phoenicians thrived on the southern shores of the Mediterranean sea (Europe, North Africa). No such contact has been reported on either Olmec or Phoenician writings, so far.

Where did the olmec arise?

The Olmec people first become known to us as a pre-Columbian civilization in the tropical lowlands of what is now south-central Mexico from as early as 1500 BC. The cultures from which the Olmec derived flourished in the area as early as about 2500 BC, but the first clearly Olmec center appears within the city of San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán around 1400 BC. The Olmec cannot be said to have "first settled" anywhere, because they developed from communities already in place in the region.

Why did the Olmec decided to settle where they did in North America?

Because it was near the Pacific ocean so they can hunt for fish

Why can the olmec Mayan mound builder and ancient puebloan cultures be describeb as advanced civilizations?

why can the Olmec, Mayan, Mound Builder, Ancient Pueblo an cultures be described as advanced civilization?

Who were the people were located in central Mexico and were at the height of the civilization during the Spanish conquest?

One of the first people to ever live in Central America are the Olmec. The Olmec are sometimes called the mother culture of Central America, for the next civilizations to prosper after the decline of the Olmec were influenced by the Olmec religious techniques and other things. After the Olmec came the Maya civilization and then the Aztec civilization.

What was the effect of olmec trade in mesoamerica?

The effect of Olmec trade in meso-america was it helped spread Olmec influence.

Which olmec creation was adopted by most earty Mexican cultures?

The Olmec creation that was adopted by most early Mexican cultures is the ballgame. The Olmec were the earliest known civilization in Mesoamerica to develop this game, and it became an important part of religious and social life for many later cultures, including the Maya and Aztecs.

What were some of the earliest cultures?

Some of the A few of the earliest cultures are: Anasazi, Mound Builders, Inca, Maya, Olmec, and the Aztec.

Where the olmec the fist ones in central and north America?

well i think so? so yeah! it was the first one it was as tiny as an ant!

Who does anthropologists think were the first people to build a civilization in America?

The Olmec people