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metaphase 2

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Q: In what phase of meiosis does chromosomes line up along equator not in homologous pairs?
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In the metaphase of meiosis 2 and meiosis 1 how do they differ?

metaphase 1 occurs only in mitosis. the metaphase 2 is in meiosis. in metaphase 1, spindle fibers align the homologous chromosomes along the equator so that two chromosomes are on one side, and the other two are on the other side whereas in metaphase 2 spindle fibers align them along the equator so that all four chromosomes get cut in half.

What is a sentence with metaphase in it?

At the stage of metaphase, chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell. Homologous chromosomes pair up.

What phase does chromatids line up along the equater?

Metaphase II In Metaphase I, the tetrads of homologous chromosomes line up along the equator, but they are not individual chromosomes.

Which phase involves the chromosomes lining up along the equator of the cell?

Metaphase 1 is the phase of mitosis when the chromosomes line up along the equator. Homologous chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell, then spindle fibers attach onto the homologous chromosome.

What phase of meiosis do homologous chromosomes cross over?

Crossing over begins early in prophase I of meiosis. At the time, homologous chromosomes Are paired along their lengths. Each gene on one homologue ia alined precisely with the corresponding gene on the other homologue. Source: my science book copy right 2006

Chromatids line up along the equator?

The chromatids line up at the equator of the cell during the metaphase of meiosis. After which the chromatids separate to form individual chromosomes.

Do gametes have two sets of chromosomes?

No. a normal cell is diploid(2n) number of chromosomes. a normal human cell has 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes which makes 46 chromosomes. during meiosis 1 the homologous chromosomes randomly segregate along the equator and seperature into 2 daughter cells. during meiosis 2, the sister chromatids of the chromosome split in both of the daughter cell creating 4 daughter cells containign haplod (n) number of chromosomes - in humans they will have 23 chromosomes. gamete need to have half the number of chromosomes to a normal cell as when it fuses with another gamete during fertilization, the orginial 46 chromosome - diploid number will be restored.

What chromosomes align single file along the equator of a haploid cell?

during the metaphase. and they are called sister chromatids, not double chromosomes

Chromosomes line up along in the equator not in homologous pairs?

Metaphase. What's the difference? Whether it's IN homologous or NOT, they're both Metaphase..... Stupid worksheet. I hate you group 3. :(

What phase of meiosis does independent assortment happen?

The independent assortment happens in the following steps in the meiosis 1. During the Pachytene stage of prophase I of the meiosis one the genes in the homologous chromosomes mixes randomly among each other by a process called crossing over and largely responsible for the variation between the siblings. 2. Metaphase 1 : The random assortment of bivalent takes place. 3. MetaphaeII : The chromosomes move randomly to the equator

During which stage of meiosis are the bivalents arranged along the equator?

During the metaphase I meiosis are the bivalents are arranged along the equator. During the prophase I of meiosis I the crossing over occurs.

What is a pair of homologous chromosomes in meiosis?
