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Q: In what religion in marriage does the couple walk around the fire 7 times?
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What about arranged marriages?

Arranged marriage are not always good. Most times the consent of the couple is not approved before the marriage.

Does love marriage succeed?

Yes, love can succeed, but it depends on the two individuals and whether they are mature enough; have good communication skills; are loyal; respect each other and have 'staying power' which means one or the other of the couple will not bail out when there is a problem in the marriage. Marriage is hard work and as long as the couple are aware there will be some tough times in a marriage as well as many happy times they will succeed.

How long were a couple married in the medieval times?

Till death. Divorce was illegal because the marriage was binding in the eyes of God.

Do breaks from marriage help with marriage issues?

Marriages are meant to withstand time. At times though perhaps a little time apart is good for the couple. However, a break, as in moving away from each other, do not help a marriage that has issues.

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How do you put on hockey sock tape?

first go around the top of the sock a couple of times than, go down the sock in a diagonal direction and then go around the bottom of the stick a couple times. its more what u prefer this is what is most comfortable for me

What state laws prevent a woman from marrying the same man four times?

There are no such laws in the U.S. As long as the previous marriage has been legally dissolved there is nothing to prevent the couple from remarrying as many times as they choose.

What was the typical age for men and women to get married in the medieval times?

The typical age for marriage in Medival Times was around 15, but could be earlier or later.

What was the first battle for Joshua and god's army?

There was no battle, but Joshua's army they marched around it a couple of times

How many times is the word marriage found in the Bible?

Marriage occurs 21 times in the KJV Bible

Does a man and wife know when they were happy to be together?

Marriage is by far from perfect and after the honeymoon reality can set in; raising a family is a big responsibility; paying the bills; trying to save money to buy a home and having decent jobs so there are times when a man and wife can be tense over many problems in their marriage, but yes, there are many times the husband and wife are happy in their marriage. It depends on the couple as well.

How you catch Leukemia?

1. Grab a strong, durable net. 2. Wave it around in the air a couple of times.