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when there is a budget surplus

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in case of emergency-apex

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Q: In what situation would the government use a no bid contract?
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In what situation would the government use a non bid contract?

A government could choose to use a non-bid contract in cases involving sensitive information and projects. The government might choose to go with a trusted contractor instead of inviting bids.

What situation would the government use a no-bid contract?

in case of an emergency! apex

If you use a bid bond and do not get awarded the contract do you get your money back?

No. The bid bond performed its function - allowing you to bid. This is why bid bonds are inexpensive. Had you been awarded the contract you would then need another bond, a "performance bond". This bond would be an extension of the bid bond and be priced equivalent to the value of the project. Yes. The above is incorrect atleast in the architecture/construction industry. Architectural handbook of professional practice 14 edition as reference. It is simply to insure a bidders intent to enter into contract if awarded the contract, and protect the owner if the bidder withdraws their bid

Is winning a bid at an auction a contract?

Yes, it is a contract. You agree to pay the price, plus the additional buyers fee when you bid.

How do you become an Official Major League Baseball brand or company?

MLB will put out a contract for bid. This contract may be for hats, bats, TV rights, etc. Companies that would like to do business with MLB bid on the contract. MLB selects the bid that will be the best for them (almost always the highest bid) and awards that company the rights, called licensing agreements, to produce the hats or bats with the MLB logo or team logo. Click on the 'MLB Suppliers' link on this page to see who MLB awarded licensing agreements to in 2005.

What are the Advantages and disadvantages of competitive bidding for government contracts?

One advantage to bidding on governmental contracts is the fact that the winning bid will offer the best services for the job. A disadvantage to the process is the fact that bidding may make a business bid too much for the contract.

When you double a bridge contract that is not game does it automatically double the contract into game?

Only two hearts or two spades will be doubled into 'game'. The double just doubles the contract, it does not automatically put it into 'game'. If the bid was 'one', then it is doubled into 'two'. If the bid was for 'two' it would double into 'four'. That is 'game' for hearts or spades. Four diamonds or four clubs would not be 'game'. Doubling a two heart or two spade bid should be avoided unless you are very sure of defeating your opponents. If they make the two tricks, you have given them an easy 'game'.

What is a firm fixed price bid?

This means that the price bid for the contract will (if the winning bid) be the actual price paid by the buyer and cannot change (even if it results in a loss to the seller).

What does 'bid' mean and is 'bid' a common noun?

'Bid' can have several meanings depending on the context, such as making an offer in an auction or requesting someone to do something. 'Bid' can be both a noun and a verb, depending on how it is used in a sentence.

What is a nonbinding contract?

A non-binding contract is considered to be an informal contract. It means both the buyer and the seller are not legally obligated to go through with the bid.

Is bid Bond refundable and when?

The bid Bond is refundable to losers when the contract is awarded. It is a bank guarantee of a specified value issued by the guarantee to the seller such that he cannot withdraw his bid from the tendering process.

What can an offer be terminated by?

Well first, "in a Unilateral contract the offer cannot be revoked if the offeree has begun or has substantially completed performance. (Cheeseman 2010)" however In my opinion he just made the bid and after the offeree accepted them is created a contract so they have not yet sign any type of contract. anyway according to the law if the offer is one that leads to a unilateral contract, then unless there was an ancillary contract entered into that guaranteed that the main contract would not be withdrawn, the contract may be revoked at any time. Also, "An offeror may revoke an offer before it has been accepted, but the revocation must be communicated to the offeree, although not necessarily by the offeror: (Dickinson v. Dodds 1876)" but again if they had encapsulated in a option of the contract, revoked the offer would be not possible. In his case the first thing he have to do is to call the offeree and explain him the situation, also (even this would depend of the consciousness of the person and his values and moral) the offeree would notice since he saw the bid something is wrong because when before send him the bid he would know what was the offer made to him "No contract is created if the offer is not accepted. (Cheeseman 2010)" "An offer may be terminated at any time before it is accepted. However, once an offer is accepted it becomes irrevocable. (Goldsbrough Mort & Co Ltd v Quinn)"