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Q: In what subject did Obama fail in?
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Did Obama fail or pass?


What is the qualification of Barack Obama?

matric fail

Did President Barack Obama succeed or fail in his mission?

well i don't think he fail his mission

Can a student fail in 2 subject in s.s.c Maharashtra board?

Yes, its possible to fail in more than one subject. But even if you fail in 1 subject, you fail the whole exam.

What was a subject of Obama's campaigns?


What is the complete subject in the sentence Barack Obama was elected president in November 2008?

"Barack Obama"

Why was Barack Obama's favorite subject maths?


What was Barack Obama's favorite subject in school?

Barack Obama says his favorite subject in school was basketball. He stated he was more interested in that than his actual schoolwork.

Why do students fail in accounting?

Many students fail in accounting is due to the lack of interest for the subject. If you can develop the attachment or liking for the subject then it will be easier to score good marks. Simply, if there is low motivation towards the subject do not study this subject .

What to do if you fail in intermediate 1st year?

but the subject is diffulicate

What was a subject of Obama s campaign?

Commonsense rules for banks.

What subject does Justin Bieber fail at?

I'm sure its nothing!