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After a person has had a disease, the lymphocytes remain to produce more antibodies for that pathogen if the disease is encountered again. This is called IMMUNITY.

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Q: In what two ways can a person become immune to an infectious disease?
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Definition of immunization?

The process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine.

How does a person become immune?

A person can become immune by being vaccinatedwhich helps the body to develop long-term immunity against a disease.

How does a vaccination protect a person from infectious diseases?

The vaccination process is intended to boost the immune system against infectious diseases and similar problems by introducing a small quantity of the disease to the immune system, so it knows what to look for and how to fight it. However, vaccination does not make you immune, so always exercise as much caution as possible in a situation in which you might be at risk of contracting an infectious disease.

What is the meaning of infectious disease?

The disease which is spread from person to person is called infectious disease. For example flu is a viral disease through which the other person is infected from the patient

When a disease can be passed from person to person its referred as?

An infectious disease.

When a disease cannot be passed from person to person it is referred to as a disease.?

Antonyms of infectious are uncontagious, uncommunicable, non-infectious

When a decease can be moved from person to person it is a?

When a disease can be moved from person it can be known as an Infectious disease, a Transmittable disease, or a communicable disease.

What is the difference between infectious disease and non-infectious disease?

noncommunicable cannot be spread from one person to another noninfectious cannot be spread from person to person

When a disease cannot be passed from a person to person it is referred to as a?

Antonyms of infectious are uncontagious, uncommunicable, non-infectious

Is asthma an infectious disease caused by a bacteria that causes inflammation and calcification in the lungs?

Asthma is not infectious disease. It does not spread from one person to other person.

What does the term infectious mean?

infectious means a disease that you can catch from the air, surface, or another person. if you can catch the disease from another person it is also called contagious.

What is an infectious airborne disease?

An infectious airborne disease is one that you can catch from a person sneezing. The one most people are familiar with is the flu.