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Well some plants need to be burned so that they can survive and it makes them grow better but most fires are very destructive.

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Q: In what way can fires be good for the environment?
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What are the effects of man made fire on the environment?

There are two types of fires 1 man made fires 2 natural fires as natural fires cause many smoke but are caused rarely such as forest fires they are less harmfull to the environment but man made fires had made can many harms to environment . They also produce many smoke and are use most wich is harmfull to ozon layar. It is the best example of global warming. they are good for humanbeings but not for nature.

What good effects do fires have on our environment and society?

the ash that a fire leaves behind can provide as great soil for many plants

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fire is harmful to the environment because it is a kind of gas

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It's cheap, readily available and while it may damage property it's not harmful to the environment. Oh, and it does a good job of putting out fires too.

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Yes, fires can adapt to their environment.

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they are good in a way it depends on what you are talking about they are good for the environment they look good

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There are numerous airplanes that do weather and environmental studies. I would say that they are affecting the environment in a positive way.

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in a grassland, forest fires, runoff, droughts

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they start there own forest fires for more land