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Scout shows sensitivity and compassion in the last two chapters with her interaction concerning Boo (Arthur). Scout was able to understand Boo’s needs about in the dark and leading him through a strange house. She makes sure Boo gets a seat in the darkest location on the porch. AT the beginning of Chapter 31, Scout knows that Boo would like to see Jem on last time and even tells Boo it is alright to touch Jem’s head (since he isn’t awake to say any different). When Boo asks if Scout would walk him home, she makes sure to have Boo escort her like a gentleman would. Finally, Scout puts herself in Boo’s skin by seeing what he has been seeing over the past two years. She is able to understand that even though Scout and Jem never physically “gave” Boo things, they were his entertainment and focus as he watched through his window all the daily events taking place in Maycomb. She realizes that they (Scout and Jem) were Boo’s children and he came to rescue whenever they needed him.

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In Chapters 30 and 31 of "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout demonstrates sensitivity and compassion by understanding Boo Radley's perspective, treating him kindly, and thanking him for saving her and Jem. She realizes his reclusive nature and shows empathy towards him by seeing the world from his point of view. Scout's compassionate actions and words towards Boo reveal her emotional maturity and empathy for others.

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How does scout demonstrate sensitivity and compassion in the last 2 chapters?

In the last two chapters of "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout demonstrates sensitivity and compassion by understanding Boo Radley's perspective and showing empathy towards him. She recognizes his reclusion and reaches out to him in a kind and non-judgmental manner, forming a bond with him based on understanding and compassion rather than fear or prejudice. Scout's willingness to see beyond Boo's mysterious reputation highlights her growth and maturity throughout the novel.

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Yes, Jem, Scout, and Dill show compassion towards the Radleys. They are curious about Boo Radley but ultimately respect his privacy. Through their actions, they show understanding and empathy towards the reclusive family.

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Who is the father the scouts entailment classmates to kill a mockingbird?

Atticus Finch is the father of Scout, the main character in "To Kill a Mockingbird". He is a lawyer in the story and is responsible for teaching Scout important lessons about morality and compassion.

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