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In both phases, the sister chromatids seperate. :+) In both phases, the sister chromatids seperate. :+)

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It Splits each Chromosome in half instead of spliting the pairs

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Q: In what way is meiosis II similar to mitosis?
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Meiosis II is similar to which process?

Meiosis II is identical to Mitosis. Meiosis is split into two stages, Meiosis I and Meiosis II. Meiosis I is similar to mitosis however the cells resulting from it have half as many chromosomes as the parent cell.

What step of meiosis is mitosis most closely related to?

All steps of meiosis II are similar to the steps of Mitosis

What are the similarities and not the differences between mitosis and meiosis?

similarities: They both go through interphase

In what way meiosis 2 similar to mitosis?

Meiosis II is similar to mitosis in that both processes involve the separation of sister chromatids. In meiosis II, the sister chromatids that were formed during meiosis I are separated into individual chromosomes, similar to how sister chromatids are separated in mitosis. This results in the formation of haploid daughter cells in both meiosis II and mitosis.

What are the forms of asexual reproduction?

It is mitosis, meiosis I, and meiosis II.

What are Forms of asexual reproduction?

It is mitosis, meiosis I, and meiosis II.

Which meiosis better mirrors the mitosis process?

meiosis II

What is the phase of mitosis or meiosis when choromose sperate to opposite ends of the cell?

In mitosis it is anaphase. In meiosis it is anaphase I and anaphase II.

With one exception meiosis II is identical to?


What do mitosis and meiosis have in com-min?

Well the second phase of meiosis (meiosis II) is pretty much the same thing as mitosis except the outcome is 4 different haploid cells.

List the key difference between meiosis 1 and 2?

Meiosis I involves homologous chromosomes pairing up and crossing over, leading to genetic recombination. The resulting daughter cells are haploid with replicated chromosomes. In contrast, meiosis II is more similar to mitosis where the duplicated chromosomes separate, resulting in four haploid daughter cells.

What are the phases in Mitosis and Meiosis?

There are Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Triphase. The two that are opposite are Interphase and Anaphase.