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meiosis II

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Q: Which meiosis better mirrors the mitosis process?
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Why does meiosis result in more genetic variation than mitosis?

It would be wrong to consider mitosis insignificant as it helps in cell repair and replacement in our daily life and it would be impossible to survive without it and asexual reproduction as well but if it weren't for meiosis, none of us would have been born :) Meiosis is responsible for the division for our gamete cells which leads to the formation a zygote. from there on mitosis takes over.

Is the DNA different or the same from the parent in mitosis?

First of all, mitosis happens in the body to replicate cells in the skin (for example). Meiosis happens in the sex organs, it makes gametes (sex cells). In mitosis, the one parent cell and the two daughter cells are genetically identical and they have the same number of chromosomes. In meiosis, the one parent cell and the four daughter cells are not genetically identical. The parent cell will have the full number of chromosomes but the daughter cells will only have half the normal number of chromosomes.

Is miitosis better than meiosis?

Mitosis= process that results in theformation of two daughter cells that are exact copies of the orignal cell.Meiosis= type of cell division that takes placecells,for the purpose of reproductive cells, for the purpose of producing gametes.Gamets= cell involed only in reproduction

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What are the importance of meiosis mitosis?

Meiosis is different than mitosis in terms of the cell division number. During mitosis, chromosomes are duplicated once, and cell divides once, therefore each daughter cell has equal chromosome number which is also equal to the mother cells. During meiosis, chromosomes are also duplicated, cell division occurs twice consecutively, leading the half of the chromosome number in 4 daughter cells. This process is used for generating germ line cells, the gametes. When gametes from male and female parents meet, they form normal diploid chromosome number again.

What are the similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis with respect to function location in the organism and the chromosome number haploid or diploid of the daughter cells produced?

Mitosis produces two Diploid Cells while Meiosis produces four haploid cells. The purpose of Mitosis produces new body cells and does not allow for genetic variation, while meiosis allows genetic variation through multiple processes. Meiosis produces sex cells (sperm) , which are key in reproduction of multi-cellular organisms. Each new cell contains half of the number of chromosomes. Meiosis has 2 cellular divisions, while mitosis only has one. They are both necessary to support life, and they both produce Diploid cells in the first division. Also, from a similar topic in Yahoo Answers (Which has a much better explanation) : Mitosis is a type of cell division to produce 2 X genetically identical diploid (2n) cells for growth and repair. Mitosis occcurs in somatic cells (normal body cells. Prior to mitotic division DNA is replicated to produce two identical chromatids attached by a centromere. This is essential so that each new daughter cell formed receives one copy of each chromosome. (One division) Meiosis only occurs in the sex organs to produce 4 X haploid (n), genetically different, gametes for sexual reproduction. Meiosis consists of two divisions: Meiosis I halves the number of chromosomes to give 2 X haploid cells. Meiosis II doubles the number of cells to give 4 X haploid gametes. Two processes during meiosis I increase variation . In prophase I homomolgous chromosomes cross over at points called chiasmata and exchange genetic material. In metaphase I the chromosomes line up along the equator in pairs. This is called random assortment where maternal and paternal chromosomes are arranged at random. Both of these increase variation to produce four genetically different gametes at the end of meiosis II DNA replication only occurs once, before Meoisis I.

Does Meiosis reduce the number of chromosomes within a cell by one-half?

Meiosis: Each daughter cell's chromosome number gets halved.---Haploid cells(n)Mitosis: Each chromosome number stays the same.------------------Diploid cells(2n)

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Telescoping mirrors could be better, but power heated flip down and up.

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The story If There Were No Mirrors is about changing oneself to be like others. If there were no mirrors, then no one would feel the need to change to look like others, or to look better than others.

What is the importance of meiosis in living things?

Mitosis was the norm until Meiosis (two sexes) evolved 580 Million Years Ago. Each Cell produced has exactly half of the information of each of the Cells it came from, meaning, each Cell has half of the characteristics its "parent" had.

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