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Q: In what way was the Italian peninsula ideally situated for trade?
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Why didn't the early people of the Italian peninsula trade much with outsiders?

there were not many good harbors in the peninsula

Why did the early people of the Italian Peninsula not trade much with outsiders?

because the land was rugged

During the Renaissance the position of the Italian peninsula near the eastern Mediterranean encouraged trade with?

Ottoman Empire

Why Rome's location on the Italian Peninsula an advantage?

Firstly, Rome's location near the Mediterranean Sea provided the city ports for trade. Next, the Italian Peninsula is quite mountainous, providing Rome something of a barrier from potential invaders.

Where was the spice trade on the Malay Peninsula?

the city located in the Malay peninsula who was the central point of trade was Moluccas

How do you say 'trade' in Italian?

"trade" translates to, "commercio" in Italian.

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Baghdad is well situated for trade because it is on the river Tigris and on the route from the Persian Gulf to eastern Turkey

Why did Venice become a cultural centre in the Renaissance?

Her ports and position on the Italian Peninsula allowed trade, foreign cultures via immigrants, and ideas to flourish, mingle, and prosper.

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Why did people live a nomadic life on the Arabian peninsula?

It was very difficult (no water, no food) It was well situated for trade, because it had crossroads of three continents-Asia, Africa, Europe. It was also suitable for trade because it was surrounded by water near other lands allowing other countries to come trade. this in the long run will allow mecca to improve on trade supplies

When was Italian Confederation of Workers' Trade Unions created?

Italian Confederation of Workers' Trade Unions was created in 1950.


Trade introduced people to new religions and beliefs.