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fertilization and development in diffrent ways

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Q: In what ways are the developments of fertilized eggs different in flowering plants and in humans?
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We drain them for new developments. Which is stupid.

Is the Yam a flowering plant?

Yams are a flowering plant. They can be pollinated by insects but camel hair brushes used by humans is more efficient.

How are seeds and fruits made?

Reproductive parts of flowering plants 1.Insects, humans, or wind carry the polen from the stamen to the pistil 2.The egg in the ovary gets fertilized 3.The ovary forms into fruits, the ovules made into seeds

How did the flowering rush get to the great lakes?

The Flowering Rush has been in Michigan for many years

What will a fertilized ovary became?

If you mean botany, then a fertilized plant ovary becomes fruit. In humans, a fertilized ovum (not the entire ovary) will likely become a fetus, and a baby if carried to full-term.

How are some of the ways humans influence or are influenced by developments in biology?

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Are fairies connected to humans and butterflies?

No, fairies are connected to and dependent on flowering plants. Every flowering plant has a unique species of fairy that depends on it for its living and magic.

Where do the sperms and egg meet?

In humans, eggs are typically fertilized in the Fallopian tube. The fertilized egg begins to divide and continues down the tube and implants in the uterine lining. If it implants in the Fallopian tube, this is known as an ectopic pregnancy (bad). In a chicken also, the egg is fertilized in the first part of the hens oviduct.

What one cell do all humans come from?

The one cell that all humans come from is the zygote that formed when the sperm fertilized the egg.

What are infertile humans?

They are people who are unable to have children because they cannot be fertilized or fertilize an egg.

Where the egg fertilize on humans?

In humans, the egg gets fertilized by the sperm in the fallopian tube. If the sperm successfully penetrates the egg, conception occurs.

Flowering plants help humans with?

Heart problems, headaches, Nassau, monoxide poisoning and tabbaco addiction