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Their terms and requirements are different

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i do not know sorry, P.s. this is tampylonghead

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Q: In what ways are the house of delegates and senate alike and different?
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What are the two houses of the general assembly?

The senators and the house of delegates are the 2 parts of the general assembly.

What is the make up of the state of Virginia legislature?

It has a 100 member House of Delegates and 40 members in the Senate.

How are the upper house delegates determined?

The upper house also called Senate. The delegates are called as Senators that's how the upper house delegates are determined.

What were the two houses of the Virginia assembly?

House of Delegates and Senate

How are the senate and the house of representative alike and different?

its differnt becuase th Representitives change two years

What is the makeup of the Virginia State Legislature?

The General Assembly with a 40 member Senate and a 100 member House of Delegates.

What are the two houses in VA's General Assembly?

The Senate and The House of Delegates

In what ways are the senate and the house of representatives similar and alike?


What is Virginia's legislature?

The Virginia General Assembly which includes a Senate and a House of Delegates.

What are the two branches in the west Virginia legislature?

State Senate & House of Delegates

How many houses are there in the WV Legislature?

Type your answer here... 2: the senate and the house of delegates

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The Maryland House of Delegates and the Mayland Senate.