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Q: In what ways are the jury of practices of Athens similar to those of the US?
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How were trials in Athens similar to trials in the US today?

They were both jury trials, although in ancient Greece juries numbered in the hundreds and juries also acted as judges.

What state had trial by jury Athens or Sparta?

Athens. In Sparta, cases were judged by a council of elders, the Gerousia.

Who was forbidden to serve on a jury in ancient Athens?

Non-citizens, woman

Who is eligible to serve on jury in aneint Athens?

me because i suck dongs for money.

How did trail by jury make Athens more democratic?

It didn't, really. Unless you consider the fact that there were 201 jurors on each case, which made the concept of 'jury duty' something to regularly involve all the male citizens of Athens.

How were juries selected in ancient Athens?

300 members of the population were chosen at random from the citizen's list( there were approximately 6000 full citizens at any given time in Athens

Why was citizenship so important in the Athens?

Only (male) citizens were allowed to have any voice in Athens' affairs and only they could act as jury and judges in legal disputes.

How did democracy arise in ancient greece-?

Democracy did not basically arise out of all of Ancient Greece but out of Athens that has been called the cradle of democracy. It was established in Athens through the continuous reorganizations In 594 BC Solon was chosen as the first archon which was similar to a prime minister. He then established jury courts and increased the rights of the people.

What are the characteristics of a grand jury?

To agree union come together similar

What were the branches of government in Athens 500 BC?

Council of 500 (chosen by lottery)= executive branch Assembly of Citizens = legislative branch Jury System = judicial branch

What right in the US is similar to this part of the Magna Carta?

right to a trial by jury

What did fairness look like in ancient Athens?

Being able to persuade a majority in the assembly or in a 500-man jury to go your way.