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Walking, ship, boats, wagons, horse.

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Q: In what ways did settlers in Canada and the us move across the continent?
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Why did french settlers from Canada move down to Vermont?

maybe it was too cold for them?

New settlers moved west of the Appalachian mountains to find what?

To move across the United States.

Which winds move weather across the us and Canada?

The answers are not the same dude!

What development enabled settlers to move freely across the Mississippi River toward Spanish Texas?

Because of the Louisiana purchase, the boundary is between Mississippi River

Is settlers a common noun or a proper noun?

The noun 'settlers' is a common noun, a general word for people who move to a new place with the intention of staying there; a word for any settlers anywhere.A proper noun is the name or title of a specific person, place, or thing; for example, The Settlers Inn in Hawley PA or Settlers Street in Windsor ON Canada.

Why the settlers move to the west?

Settlers thought and overheard that there was gold over on the west

Why did settlers begin to move west of the Appalachian mountains and what route did most settlers?

i dont

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Where did the first settlers of astoria move from?


What are the push and pull factors that lead to the settlers to move out west?

Push factors that led settlers to move out west include overcrowding in the East, lack of economic opportunities, and conflicts with Native American tribes. Pull factors include the promise of free or cheap land, the opportunity to start fresh in a new region, and the availability of natural resources like gold and timber.

Why did the settlers move to Memphis?

So they can have more room.