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i hate history nothing is easy i HATE


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Q: In what ways did the government reservation policy ignore the needs of native Americans?
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What is a native American reservation?

An Indian reservation is land given to Native Americans from the government. Reservations are managed by the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs. There are 310 reservations in the United States. Because they have limited laws, many Native Americans place casinos on their reservations to attract tourists and increase revenue.

What were the areas set aside by the us government for the exclusive use of native Americans?


How would breaking up the reservations help the government achieve their goal of assimilating the native Americans?

A reservation is a kind of ghetto or enclave, in which native Americans associate only with their fellow native Americans in the reservation and have relatively little if any contact with other types of Americans. If native Americans move to cities where other types of Americans live, they will become more involved with what I might loosely describe as mainstream American culture. That is assimilation.

What does land set aside for native Americans?

Reserve or reservation.

What were areas for the native Americans called?

A Reservation

Where was the largest reservation for native Americans in 1800?


What is the Definition of Native American Reservation?

Land set aside for Native Americans.

Why the US develop the reservation system for native Americans?

the US developed a reservation system for Native Americans because when white men came they took their land and the Native Americans needed a place to go also the US was afraid they would do something to get back at them so they made a reservation system

What does reservation in a social studies definition?

A reservation is an area of land set aside for Native Americans.

What is the biggest problem native Americans had when living on a reservation?


What was the reservation policy?

In 1867 the federal government appointed the Indian Peace Commission to develop a policy toward Native Americans. The commission recommended moving the Native Americans to few large reservations. Moving them to reservations was not the new policy and the government then increased its effort in that way

Where were most Native Americans forced to live?

Native Americans were moved from their homelands to less desirable areas of the USA.