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Q: In what ways do history and environment influence or shape a culture?
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How has the history of the Arabian Peninsula helped to shape the regions culture?

The history of the Arabian Peninsula helped shape the culture of the region when it became the cradle of Islam. The cities of Mecca and Medina hold high significance in the Islamic world. Mecca is the destination of the annual pilgrimage.

Do the crusades still matter?

Well, the Crusades are over, but they had a profound effect on life today, the Crusades, as bad as they were, helped shape this planet's history and (hopefully) taught us a good lesson on what not to do.

Did the Greeks or Romans influence architecture such as the dome shape?

The main Greek influence has come through the way it influenced Roman architecture. Much of Renaissance architecture was influenced by Roman architecture. Brunelleschi, the great early Renaissance architect went to Rome to study Roman buildings. A big influence was the discovery of De Architecta, a text book on (Roman) architecture by Vitruvius, a Roman architect and engineer. Palladium was the father of the Palladian style which became very popular in Britain, which was based on the roman mansion. The neo-classical style was based on gthe Graeco-roman style. The dome was a great Roman achievement The Pantheon and the Hagia Sophia have been regarded as yardsticks for later domes.

Dream of past and present?

Dreams of past and present help to shape your future.

What were the three effects that helped shape Western civilization?

Christianity, democratic ideals and the Industrial Revolution

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How does belonging to a particular place influence your sense of self?

Belonging to a particular place can shape your sense of self by providing a sense of identity, community, and rootedness. It can influence your values, beliefs, and behaviors based on the culture, history, and environment of that place. It can also contribute to a feeling of connection, purpose, and belonging.

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Does society create religion or does religion create society?

Create? Neither can create the other. Shape or influence? Certainly. History shows that they borrow from each other and shape each other. The main religion in a culture typically supports the culture, just as the culture supports it; each accommodating the other.

What are the process influence personality development?

The processes that influence personality development include genetics, environment, upbringing, and life experiences. Genetics play a role in determining certain traits, while environment, upbringing, and experiences shape how these traits are expressed. Additionally, social interactions, culture, and societal norms can also influence personality development.

How does history shape culture?

it forms them in away noone else can stopFinal Answer:History shapes how we view the world.Hope I helpedd! :]~Pierox!~

How does history shape a culture?

History often shapes the culture by causing people to come in contact with other cultures. When this happens, the cultures are changed because of that contact.

What is the influence of culture on thinking called?

The influence of culture on thinking is called cultural cognition. Cultural cognition refers to how people's values, beliefs, and cultural background shape their perceptions, judgments, and decision-making processes.

How does history shape a people's culture?

History helps define culture as those who live within a culture learn from historical events (hopefully).

Does culture effect region or region affect culture or both?

Both culture and region can influence each other. Culture can shape the traditions, beliefs, and values of a region, while the region's geography, climate, and history can also impact the development of its culture. This interaction results in unique cultural identities that vary from one region to another.

What influence shape every world culture?

Surroundings, upbringing, and experiences

How Do People Shape Cities?

People shape cities through their activities, behaviors, and preferences. Their decisions on where to live, work, socialize, and spend time influence urban development, infrastructure, architecture, and culture. The collective actions of individuals, communities, and businesses contribute to the social, economic, and physical environment of a city.