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Hindu's express their spirituality by using symbols that have deep meanings:

AUM: The sacred symbol Aum (Om) represents the sound of God. It represents Brahma as a sound. In addition, the symbol of creation stands for life, death and after-life. Aum represents the whole united universe. Aum is chanted at the beginning of prayers for worship.

Lotus Flower:The lotus represents love and beauty and is a prime example of perfection. Its roots grow in muddy waters, hidden from the eyes, so that only beauty is visible. The roots in the muddy water represent material life and ignorance. The flower is on the water open to the sky- this symbolizes the spiritual being. The lotus flower is associated with the Goddess Lakshmi.

Prayer Beads: The strung beads help the devotee to count repeated prayers. Repeating the prayer is meant to help a person focus and concentrate on the presence of God and what God is trying to say to the Hindu worshipper.

Yantra: The yantra is an abstract diagram representing the universe, it represents deity! It is used to help the worshipper to control their mind and prevent their thoughts from wandering. A yantra is drawn on the site where a temple will be built.

Swastika: This symbol is 4000 years old and it means "all is well." It is symbol of good fortune and it is very unfortunate that Hitler's party used the swastika in a negative way however, for Hindu's the swastika is still a symbol for well-being and good fortune.

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Hindu faith does not prescribe it directly. Hindus can pray as many as times the devotee likes.

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