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it is nothing

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Q: In what ways do the physical features of Latin America affect the people and their way of life?
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How does the physical features in Latin America affect people?

it dosent affect nothing oh really? so if their was a beach with no water you would surf?No you wouldn't

How do you think physical features affect how people moved to where they settled in Africa?

because of landforms

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How does the physical geography of Latin America and the Caribbean affect where people live?

contact between countries was difficult

In what ways do the physical features of Guatemala affect the people and their way of life?

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What physical features do French people have?

they hold croissants

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How do Africa's physical features affect people's way of life?

okay, so the mountains? affects people cause of the water they get from it. then it turns into rivers. so it turns into flood. and floods can kill them alive.hope this helped. :)

What are physical or human features to Stonehenge?

people trying to vandlis or step in the area

What are Natural features of Britain?

natural features are kind of the same as physical features. for example, mountains and rivers are physical features, because they occur naturally. human features are when people have built something, like the London Eye, or the Statue of Liberty.

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Russian people are ethnicly European so white

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