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The Constitution limits the powers of government by creating the three branches, executive, judicial and legislature, all of which check the power of each other.

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Q: In what ways does the constitution limit the powers of the federal government?
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The Anti-Federalist would limit the Federal government strictly to?

The Anti-Federalist wanted to limit the Federal government strictly to what the powers the Constitution delegated to it.

What is one reason the constitution divides powers between the federal government and states governments?

To limit the power of the federal government

How does Article II section 2 of the U.S. Constitution limit the power of the federal government?

When the US Constitution was ratified by the states, the delegates wanted to insure that the new Federal government had limited powers. To ensure this all powers not delegated to the Federal government, all powers not assigned to the Federal government are powers left to each state to decide.

How does the constitution limit the powers of the government?

The Constitution limits the power of government by specifically listing powers it does and does not have.

Why didn't the delegates mention the names of the individual states?

Everything that is not specifically listed in the constitution as powers given to the Federal Government are reserved for the States. The intent was to limit the power of the Federal Government by strictly limiting its powers, and all other powers not listed were given to the States.

Why was the tenth amendment added to the bill of rights?

The tenth amendment was added to the Bill of Rights to limit the power of the federal government and give the states' powers Constitution didn't directly give the federal government.

The Founders thought the primary virtue of federalism was?

limit the powers of government limit the powers of government limit the powers of government limit the powers of government

What was Jefferson's view about the powers the federal government should have?

he wanted to limit their power.

In which amendment are the rights of the states considered?

The Tenth Amendment sought to make clear that the individual State governments retained all powers that governments usually have, except for thos specifically given to the federal government. It was intended to limit the powers of the federal government only to the ones given it by the Constitution.

Does the constitution limit authority and power suffciently or insuffciently?

The Constitution places extremely heavy and borderline burdensome limits on the legislative and law enforcement powers of the federal government. Since around the turn of the twentieth century these lawful limits have largely been ignored by those in power in the federal government.

What idea comes from the enlightenment and is reflected into the constitution?

Political power ultimately rests with the people, not the government.

What is one reason the Constitution divides powers between the federal government and state governments?

The framers of the Constitution had already fought a war to rid themselves of a tyrannical government and wanted to take precautions to avoid this happening in the new nation. They sought to divide the powers between the states and government to assure neither entity would become too powerful.