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They left in 1933.

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Q: In what year did anne Frank's family emgrate to holland from Germany?
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Where was the Germanic tribe called the franks originally from?

Modern Day France

What year did the franck family leave Germany and where do they go?

the franks left germany to aviod being herrased because of there religion and they stayed in the seceret annex in Amsterdam , holland

Where did the franks live before Amsterdam?

Frankfort, Germany. The family had lived there for generations.

What year did the Frank family emigrate to Holland from Germany?


Anne Franks native country was called?

Anne Frank and her family were born in Germany.

What was the nationality of the frank family?

The Franks, by birth, were German - long-time residents of Frankfort, Germany.

Where is Anne franks hometown?

Anne Frank's hometown was Frankfurt am Main in Germany. However, she is most famously associated with Amsterdam in the Netherlands, where her family went into hiding during World War II to escape persecution by the Nazis.

Who did Anne Frank flee from?

Anne and her family were fleeing the Nazi party and their quest to rid Europe of all Jews as well as other minorities. __ Anne Frank and her family fled from Germany to the Netherlands (Holland). However, a few years later, in 1940, the Nazis invaded the Netherlands and the Franks again faced persecution.

Why didn't the entire Frank family move to Holland together?

The Frank family didn't move to Holland together because Anne's older sister Margot received a call-up notice to report for deportation to a labor camp in Germany. The family decided to go into hiding to avoid being separated and deported.

What does the franks family do when Margot Anne's older sister receives a call to go to a work camp in Germany?

Tehy run!

Why did Otto and his family leave Germany?

The Franks left because Germany was becoming more aggresive with the anti-Jew laws and Mr. Frank thought that the Netherlands would be safer.

Who was the family staying with the franks?

the family staying with the franks are the Van Daans they are also known as the Van Pels.