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Q: In what year did the world war 1 break out?
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When did World War 1 break out?

June 28th, 1914

How was shellshock treated in World War 1?

it was treated by the peoople getting a break from war

How tanks affected World War 1?

They did help break the stalemate.

In which year did ww2 break out?

1939ended in 1945World War 1 was 1914 to 1918

When was World War I took place in which year?

World War 1: 1914-1918.

What year did World War 1 and World War 2 occur?

World War I: 1914-1918. World War II: 1939-1945.

What year and what time did the world war 1 end?

In 1921 World War One ended.

What year was World War 1 in Australia?

World War 1 occurred in Australia in the same years as elsewhere in the world - from 1914 to 1918.

What year did Hitler enter the World War 1?

Hitler was not in world war one, he was the leader of the Germans in world war two.

What year did most plane crashes happen?

Well i dont know what year but it was in World war 1 and World war 2

What was the year when the world war 1 end?


How long did war world go on for?

1 year