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Q: In what year was the difference engine invented?
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When was the difference engine invented?


Who invented the difference Engine and Analytical engine?

Charles Babbage

Who invented the engine and in what year?

In 1698, Thomas Savery invented the engine.

Who invented steam engine and in which year?

James Watt invented steam engine & it is invented in 1769

Who invented the analytic engine and the difference engine?

Charles Babbage

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What was the name of the computer that charles Babbage invented?

The 'Difference Engine' - it was a mechanical calculator.

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What year was the steam engine invented and what was it used for?

yesterday in 2037

Named the computers invented by Charles Cabbage?

The computers invented by Charles Babbage were the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine. Neither was finished in his lifetime but gave him fame as a computer pioneer.

Who invented the first stream engine and what year?

Thomas Savery and in 1698

Who invented computers and in what year?

Early computers came in form of abacus and pascals adding machine which are rudimentary calculators but the first modern computer was the difference engine by charles babbage in 1847.