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Merino sheep were introduced into the state of Vermont in the 1880s. They were originally imported from the country of Australia. They have very small horns.

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Q: In what year were Merino sheep introduced to Vermont?
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What year did sheep come to Australia?

The very first sheep in Australia came with the First Fleet in 1788. However, it is not from these sheep that Australia's huge sheep industry has grown.The Father of Australia's sheep industry is often regarded as John Macarthur. He was a man with a great deal of influence in colonial Australia, and it was he who arranged for the first Merino sheep to be brought to Australia from Spain. The first Spanish Merino sheep were brought to Australia in 1796.

What sheep breed produces the most wool per year?

Probably the Merino whose wool is prized in the clothing industry.

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Australia was settled, and the settlers brought sheep as domestic animals. Within ten years the better Spanish Merino variety was introduced, first from Monterey in Mexico, then the Cape of Good Hope. This variety was improved and established the basis of a wool industry which became a major world supplier.

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It depends on its age, sex and breed but on average a two year old Merino wether is roughly 5okg

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