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Q: In which activity does meiosis play a role?
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What role do meiosis play in process of natural selection?

Meiosis plays an important role in the process of natural selection, as it allows DNA to replicate.

When does meiosis play a more significant role than mitosis?

Meiosis is the reproduction of the gametes or sex cells. So I'd go with meiosis.

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Humans have no control where and if tornadoes occur.

What role do germ cells play in gametogenesis?

They produce cells that divide by mitosis and then undergo meiosis to form gametes.

What role does a nucleus play in reproduction?

It performs meiosis to divide its genetic material so it may be passed on to the next generation.

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im a barbie girl in a barbie world its so can brush my hair

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Micro-tubules play active role in chromosome movement during cell division.

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They only credited typology in the beginning of paranormal activity 2 because they offered to play a role in the movie.

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Lots of roles, they kill and hurt animals alot.

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Yes, both add CO2 to our atmosphere

How does cytokinesis play an important role in the cell cycle?

Cytokinesis takes place after meiosis I and II or mitosis where cell division takes place and divides the cell into two daughter cells.