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Q: In which cold war crisis did president Kennedy showed the strongest leadership?
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How did the Cuban missile crisis benefit President Kennedy?

It proved he had excellent leadership qualities.

The President who resolved the Cuban Missile Crisis was?

President Kennedy is credited with resolving the Cuban Missile Crisis.President John F. Kennedy

What president was in office while the Cuban missile crises was on?

John Kennedy was the President during this crisis.

What man was associated with the Cuban missile crisis?

President Kennedy

What about the Cuban missile crisis is?

President Kennedy removed nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve the crisis

What about the Cuban missile crisis?

President Kennedy removed nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve the crisis

How did the Cuban missile crisis affect public opinion about President Kenney?

The Cuban missile crisis initially boosted President Kennedy's popularity as his handling of the crisis was widely praised. The crisis showcased his strong leadership skills, and many Americans viewed him as successfully standing up to the perceived Soviet threat. However, there were also critics who argued that the crisis was a result of Kennedy's initial failure to prevent the installation of missiles in Cuba, which led to increased tensions with the Soviet Union.

What about the Cuban missile crisis is true?

President Kennedy removed nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve the crisis

When did the Cuban Missle Crisis start?

During President Kennedy's Presidency.

What was most dramatic foreign episode president Kennedy faced?

Cuban Missle Crisis

Who was the president during the Cuban missile crisis?

The Cuban President during the Cuban Missile Crisis, which began on October 12, 1962 and lasted for 12-days, was Osvaldo Dorticós Torrado, serving as Cuban President from July 17, 1959- December 2, 1976.

Under what president did the Cuban Missile Crisis take place?

John F Kennedy.