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The Kudankulam Nuclear Power Station is a collaboration between India and Russia. It is located in the state of Tamil Nadu in India.

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Q: In which country collaboration of tamilnadu kudankulam nuclear power station?
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What are the disadvantages of Kudankulam nuclear plant?

we need lot of current,so the kudankulam project is important for all of us.

How much power produced in kudankulam nuclear plant?

Kudankulam Nuclear Powerplant is designed to produce 2000 Mega Watts. But can extract up to 4000 Mega Watts at maximum capacity.

What are the advantages of kudankulam nuclear project?

because of this project there can be a regular supply of current,Tamil Nadu can be free from power cuts.So that we may study about kudankulam in

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Atomstroyexport (Russian: Атомстройэкспорт) is the Russian Federation's nuclear power equipment and service export monopoly. It belongs to Atomenergoprom holding with 49.8% of shares owned by Gazprombank. The CEO of Atomstroyexport is Sergei Shmatko.[1]

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The only country to have used nuclear warfare in history is the USA

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