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Q: In which department do employees keep the computers and the network running What consist(s) of a series of related instructions that tells the computer what to do and how to do it?
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What are the computers process data under the control of sets of instructions?

What sets of instructions do computers use to process data? - Computer Programs

Can you study computers in IIT?

Yes. YOU can opt for computer science department


Computers follow a list of instructions - they cannot understand humour.

What is the readable language to computer?

Computers use machine language, which are coded instructions in binary.

What does the technical department do?

A technical department is generally called the "tech" department. This is the department of a business that takes care of things to do with the computers, such as computer issues, internet issues, and more.

What are the extremely fast computers that can perform hundreds of millions of instructions per second?

personnel computer

Computer communications describes a process in which two or more computers or devices transfer what?

Data, information, and instructions.

Why is an operating system a must for a computer?

yes, all computers need a set of instructions or program to tell it how to function. This what a operating system does for a computer.

Who work on computers in a office?

the people who directly use and work with the computer are computer technician , students and others

Downfalls of computer technology?

One downfall of computer technology is the fact that it reduces human contact. With businesses, it is essential that your employees communicate so that employees in different departments can effectively work together using computers.

Why is the man is still the most extraordinary computer of all?

Humans can evolve - Computers cannot Humans can disobey instructions - Computers cannot Humans are organic - Computers aren't There are more, but I won't go on

What is the output of a compiler?

A compiler accepts computer instructions in a language people understand and converts them into a language computers understand.