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You're checking the newspaper to get the idea of a story as you walk out the door.

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1mo ago

Skimming can be most helpful when you need to quickly gather a general understanding of a text or when you are looking for specific information within a large amount of content. It can also be useful when you are reviewing material you are already familiar with and are just trying to refresh your memory or find key points.

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Q: In which instance would it be most helpful to skim?
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Related questions

What is the meaning of 'someone is skim'?

I would assume it means that they are skinny, as in Skim Milk.

What do people look for when they skim read?

People skim read to find the most important information.

What is the best type of skim board?

the best type of skim board is carbon. its the most expensive but also the most buoyant and durable. i recommend getting an Exile.

Why does the ash from whole milk weigh less than that of skim milk?

when raw milk is separated to cream and skim most of the ash is left in the skim. To make make whole milk they add the cream back into the skim lowering the concentration of ash. Most ash test are done with a standard amount, so do to the above statement whole milk has less ash per gram than skim.

what type of milk makes cereal soggy quicker whole milk skim or low fat milk?

Skim milk. It is the most watery.

When reading which would you most likely skim quickly through to find something you're looking for?

the classified ads when you are trying to find a job

What type of milk makes cereal soggy quicker whole milk skim milk or low fat milk?

Skim milk. It is the most watery.

Does skim milk lack something compared with 2 percent?

Yes, skim milk (or skimmed milk) lacks something compared to 2% milk. Skim milk lacks most of the milkfat that the 2% skim milk contains. Whole milk contains something on the order of 4% milkfat, and 2% milk has about half the milkfat of whole milk. Skim milk has most all of that fat removed. The skim milk contains only about 0.1% to 0.4% milkfat, and it is a better choice for those attempting to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Is Skim Milk bad for you?

Yes, it is bad for you because when they skim the milk even though the fat content is taken out, most of the minerals and protien is taken out as well. Don't drink too much skim milk, it is bad for you. Drink 2% milk.

What does skim the ground mean?

Skim the gorund

Who would have the highest need for skim milk in their diet?

Skim milk should be drunk by overweight people who doesn't want to build up fat through food intake. Skim milk is good for bones as they supply essential calcium required by the body

What is the difference between sweet whey powder and skim milk powder?

Most powdered milk is dehydrated skim milk.