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Q: In which kind of dictionary would you find a comprehensive definition of an engineering term?
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Another name for dictionary entries?

A different name for dictionary entries would be a definition. You could also use the word explanation in place of definition.

What words appear between the guide words Zebra and Zodiac?

It would depend on how comprehensive the dictionary was.

Where can one find the definition of the word fundamental?

There are many resources to find the definition of the word fundamental. The best place to start would be the dictionary. The dictionary would give you a full description of fundamental.

What is the dictionary definition of the word synchronous?

The dictionary definition of the word synchronous would be in sync, or at the same time. It means to have something coincide, go at the same rate, or together.

Where would you find a definition?

Simple. You can find definition in dictionary. If not search in the search engines like google.

Which would you use an dictionary or atlas for the word dispatch?

Use a dictionary to find the definition of the word dispatch. An atlas is for maps.

What is the first definition of once in a while according to The Free Dictionary?

According to The Free Dictionary online it states that the definition of once in a while would be now and then or here and there. The Free Dictionary may be used for free as it's name suggests.

What is the definition of gOOgle according to the Urban Dictionary?

The definition of gOOgle in the Urban Dictionary would be the most efficient and reliable of internet engines available. It is the fastest and most popular and respected company.

Where can a person find the definition for the word thwart?

A person would be able to find the definition of the word "thwart" in a dictionary such as a Cambridge English Dictionary (be it either hard back or online version).

What is the dictionary definition of the word 'sceptic'?

The dictionary definition for the word 'sceptic' is a person who regularly doubts the authenticity of an accepted idea or belief. An example would be a person who doesn't believe that the world is round.

What schools are there for software engineering degrees?

For me it would be University of Liverpool. By the end of the program, you will have gained a comprehensive understanding of the engineering principles required to develop the correct application of your studies.

What words would be on the page if the guide words were algebra and allegiance?

It depends how comprehensive the dictionary is. Open yours to that page and check.