

In which ocean is Japan

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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Japan is located in the Pacific Ocean.

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Q: In which ocean is Japan
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What ocean surrounds Japan?

Japan is in the North Pacific Ocean.

What is the major ocean in japan?

The Largest ocean which borders Japan is the Pacific Ocean.Or do you mean largest sea in Japan?There is no ocean in Japan. The largest ocean that borders it is the Pacific Ocean.

Is japan in the Atlantic ocean?

Answer: No, the Atlantic Ocean is nowhere near Japan. The largest ocean close to Japan is the Pacific.

What ocean is japan located?

It is located in the Pacific Ocean.

What is the ocean located by Japan?

Japan is located on the Pacific Ocean I hoped this helped

How far away is the Pacific Ocean from japan?

Japan is located in the Pacific ocean

What ocean is Japan in?

Pacific Ocean.

What ocean is between Japan and western Mexico?

The Pacific Ocean qualifies as the ocean separating Japan and Western Mexico.

Ocean of Japan?

The islands of Japan are situated between the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. The Sea of Japan separates Japan from South Korea, North Korea, and Russia.

What is the ocean common to Japan and the US?

the pacific ocean is the ocean that covers the western sea board of the US and surrounds Japan

What ocean is east of japan?

the pacific ocean

The coast of Japan is on what ocean?

pacific ocean