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Q: In which of the phyla do animals have external skeleton as well as jointed bodies and limbs?
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Animals with shells on their bodies?

Arthropods are defined to be invertebrates that have an exoskeleton ( an external skeleton).

Is the human skeleton external skeleton?

No, we have our bones inside our bodies.

What is an external skeleton and an internal skeleton?

Skeletons:All animals, including humans have skeletons. Humans have an internal skeleton. This means that our bones is on the inside of us. When an animal has an external skeleton it means that their skeleton is on the outside. These animals who have an external skeleton have what we commonly call shells. These shells are their skeleton which keeps their insides together. If you think of one of those big crabs and how there is a shell on the outside of them (not sea shells) this is their skeleton which is an external skeleton.

What are soft bodies in the animal kingdom?

The term "soft bodies" refer to animals with no skeleton.

Animals with no skeleton?

They are know as invertebrates; Sharks whose bodies are supported by cartilage, Stingrays, same deal, Slugs I don't know how their bodies are supported, and many other animals

Do mammals have a endoskeleton?

Everything but bugs

Many animals also keep their skeletons on the outside of their bodies what is such a skeleton called?

An exoskeleton.

How do you know that a house fly is an arthropod?

Insects are arthropods, as are spiders, lobsters, and trilobites.Arthropods are animals that have an exoskeleton, jointed legs, and segmented bodies.

What type of animals have segemented bodies and jointed appendages?

What you are describing is phylum Arthropoda, which houses insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and the extinct trilobites.

Descibe three ways in which animals support their bodies?

I'm pretty sure that it is the skeleton/skeletal system.

Is a prawn a arthropod?

Yes. Arthropods are animals that have- during at least one stage in their life- segmented bodies, jointed legs, and an external skeleton called an exoskeleton. All crustaceans have segmented bodies, jointed legs, and exoskeletons. Some crustaceans like barnacles do not appear to have legs or body segments. However, these features can be seen on barnacle larvae. These are barnacles that are not yet adults and have not attached themselves to anything yet. Legs and body segments disappear from adult barnacles because they are not needed. The barnacle is still considered an arthropod because the features that define arthropods can be seen on it during part of its life.

It gives shape to your bodies?

Your skeleton !