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At the divergence plate boundary, which are constructive zones, of spreading or separating tectonic plates mostly at ocean floors.

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Q: In which of the plate boundaries is material only created?
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Are volcanoes only found on constructive plate boundaries?


What are the 4 plates in plate boundaries?

The Are Seven Primary Plates, so there cannot be only Five Boundaries, I know the tectonic Plates are The 1. African Plate 2. Antarctic Plate 3. Eurasian Plate 4. Indo-Australian Plate 5. North American Plate 6. Pacific Plate 7. South American Plate There Are Three Basic types of boundary; Divergent, Convergent and Transform boundaries Hopefull somebody can tell you all their names of the boundaires between them because these different Plates will me touching two or More Plates hence a lot of different boundaries

Which plate boundaries volcanoes are found along?

Volcanoes typically occur at two different types of plate boundaries. These two plate boundaries are: the diverging plate boundary where plates separate, and the converging plate boundaries where one plate is beneath another one at subduction zones.

If new seafloor is being created how does the earth stay the same size?

Because it only gets larger in one direction by getting smaller in another. In the case of ocean ridges, the 'other place' is wherever the crust has subducted into the natle at a plate boundary.

Is it true that tectonic plate boundaries are only locations where volcanoes form?

YEs BicBoii

Do divergent plate boundaries only occur on the ocean floor?

No. They can also occur on continents.

Why are earthquakes created at plate boundaries?

It's the only place they can occur. Over a continuous, solid part of the tectonic plate, there are no earthquakes - if the plate shifts, it shifts as one whole unit - no earthquake (maybe an ominous rumble or quiver, but that's about it). At boundaries, shift causes one edge to collide with another. Something's got to give. One or the other plate has to move up, down, forward or back. Any of those are called an "earthquake".

Which is the only plate that has all margins as convergent boundaries?

The Pacific Plate is completely surrounded by a convergent boundary (Ring of Fire).

Where is the only significant land surface on which new crust is being created by rifting?

Divergent plate boundaries. They pull away from each other, and magma rises from the gap, cools, and solidifies, which creates "new" crust.

What are the four types of plate boundaries?

There are only 3 that I know, transform, divergent, and convergent. -Toby Shout out to Mrs. Cordero

What type of magma do you find at each of the different plate boundaries?

There's only one kind and that my friend is hot rocks!

What are four types of plate boundaries?

There are only 3 that I know, transform, divergent, and convergent. -Toby Shout out to Mrs. Cordero