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Q: In which one of the place did Gandhiji launch his first successful Satyagraha after returning from South Africa?
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By whom was the term Satyagraha coined and Where?

Gandhi coined the term satyagraha in south africa

How many times gandhiji was arrested in South Africa?

Gandhiji was arrested in South Africa three different times.

Where did Gandhi participate in Satyagraha Andolan?

South Africa in 1942

who was the one who came back from south Africa?

It is Gandhiji

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How much money gandhiji gave for buying land for Phoenix settlement in South Africa?

There is no recorded on how much money Gandhiji bought the land for Phoenix settlement in South Africa. It was told he gave very little for the land.

The hero of the satyagraha struggle of the Indians in South Africa landed in Bombay on?

Jan 9th 1915

Where Mahatma Gandhi learned the art of satyagraha as a practice?

In South Africa......Ashish Kumar.(NEW DELHI)

In which year did gandhiji first time going to jail?

Gandhiji first went to jail in 1908 in South Africa for leading a protest against the Transvaal government's discriminatory laws against Indians.

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When did Mohandas Gandhi go to Africa?

At the age 21 years Gandhiji went to South Africa

What country was founded as a refuge for African Americans returning to Africa and is it named from the Latin word meaning free?

Liberia. was founded as a refuge for freed slaves returning to Africa.