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Q: In which order would the figures demonstrate endocytosis?
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What is the opposite of exocytosis?

The closest term would be endocytosis.

Which term identifies the process used by the cell to bring in a large molecules?

This would probably be phagocytosis.

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During endocytosis a vesicle may fuse with a lysosome how would that help the cell digest the food particles?

What is a good sentence for demonstrate?

IT would be Tom will you demonstrate for the class

In order to vote do you have to demonstrate literacy first?

One would have thought that would be a sensible requirement, however in most democracies all but the nobility, serving criminals and the mad can vote.

How does someone demonstrate policies?

The way someone would demonstrate policies would be by describing what the policy stands for and how it is enforced. This can be done in a speech or with a report.

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How would you demonstrate politeness and courtesy when receiving requests and enquiries from clients?

A good sentence with the word demonstrate?

Nicole hoped that they would demonstrate how to use the microscopes, since she wasn't sure how.

How would you demonstrate a trillion dollars?

like this $1,000,000,000,000.00

How would knowing this prefix meaning help you define the key term endocytosis?

Knowing that the prefix "endo-" means "inside" or "within" can help you understand that endocytosis is a cellular process where substances are brought into the cell by forming vesicles from the cell membrane. This process allows the cell to take in nutrients, regulate signaling molecules, and remove waste products.

Does 213000 have six significant figures?

213000 has 3 significant figures. Expressed as six significant figures would be: 213000.