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Q: In which region of north American was the dominant native art portable because the people were namadic?
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Who are the nomadic?

The Namadic vampires are; In Twilight; James, Victoria and Laurent but Laurent joins the Danali Coven after Twilight James, Victoria and Laurent are also mentioned/featured in NEw Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn In Breaking Dawn the Nomad Vampires are: Garrett, Mary, Peter, Charlotte, Randall, Alistar, Charles and Makenna.

Why at the end of twilight does Victoria cry?

the reason that Victoria cries is because she has just lost the love of her life James, because of James stupid reaction to Bella's scent and that the hunt of Bella, Bella was attacked and then she was almost turned into one which almost sucked. James had is neck broken by Alice, then he was ripped to pieces and then burned. then edward had to suck the venom out of Bella's arm and carlisle told him to find the will to stop and then he did and she woke up in hospital and then she goes to the prom and Victoria is there to spy on them. Victoria looks really pissed off, she creates newborn vampires in the third installment of the twilight saga: eclipse.Jessica said" victora should be lucky she is alive, because of the thing that happened in the first movie, she is like the luckiest namadic vampire out there. she ecsaped it really easy this time. in the third movie she is like not so lucky because vampire and warewolf are becoming alliances which is like the not the way that i thought it might be the unexpected thing to happen. i am like the happinest women alive because of the fact that i get to meet Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Launter, Peter facinelli, Jackson Rathbone, Kellen Lutz, Nikki Reed and Alice Cullen, Esme Cullen so i beat yous out there that i have not have met them, sorry, sorry, i am just i little bit excited and that it would like the greatest event ever.

Who are the nomadic vampires?

Nomadic vampires are vampires who do not belong to a specific coven or clan and prefer to roam independently rather than staying in one place. They tend to be more solitary and unpredictable in nature, often moving from one location to another to avoid confrontation or establish their own territory. These vampires typically do not adhere to the rules or regulations of organized vampire society.