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During summer season

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The arctic tundra has a short growing season during the summer when most plants are found due to the warmer temperatures and longer days. This period allows plants to bloom and grow before the harsh winter returns.

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dont no

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Q: In which season can you find most plants in the arctic tundra?
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What fungi live in the tundra?

Fungi found in the tundra include lichen-forming fungi, such as Cladonia, and mycorrhizal fungi that form symbiotic relationships with plants. Additionally, saprotrophic fungi like Penicillium and Aspergillus may also be present in the tundra ecosystem, contributing to the decomposition of organic matter.

What plants grow in the polar regions?

The plants that grow in polar regions are Lichens,Mosses,Algae and fungi, they can stand the heat and coldness at night.Also there are saxifrage, bearberrys arctic willows arctic moss polar fire and Aqapanthus they are all plants that grow in the polar regions. There are many more I think i will find out and improve answer when I find out. Hope this helps guys.Lichens, Mosses, Algae and Fungi because they can stand the harshly cold temperatures at night. Hope that helps!!!There is a short growing season in the polar region. The only plants that grow there are lichens, mosses, liverworts, and some arctic willows.

What type of ecosystem does a moose live in?

Moose eat plants like twigs and underwater plants. Being herbivores and thus prey animals, they provide a food source for top predators such as wolves and bears.

What kind if trees are in the tundra biome?

In the tundra biome, you would typically find stunted shrubs, mosses, lichens, and grasses rather than trees. The harsh and cold conditions of the tundra make it difficult for trees to grow and thrive.

Where do you most likely to find the largest number of living organisms?

arctic ocean

Related questions

Which season can you find most plants in arctic tundra?

The non Ice Season is very Nice. It is going to become Longer.

In what biome would you expect to find caribou?

Tundra. The arctic tundra in the summer and then they migrate to the Boreal Forest in the winter.

On which continents can you find arctic tundra?

Arctic tundra can be found in northern parts of Asia, Europe and North America (Alaska).

What parts of earth would you probably find the tundra?

found in cold regions, mostly north of the Arctic Circle (Arctic tundra) or above the timberline on high mountains (alpine tundra).

Were can you find lemmings?

Where lemmings can be found is in or near the Arctic tundra.

Where could one find the best information on the arctic tundra?

An individual can find the best information on the arctic tundra on the Discovery Channel or National Geographic site and magazines. They are known for world discoveries and scenes; it is best to find information from them.

What is an example of a food web in a tundra?

any food web is a situation of interrelationships as well as a flow of energy. Generally, predators or consumers are supported by prey or plant eaters which of course live on indigenous plants. The plants are supported by compounds produced by bacteria and weathering. To find what fits into a tundra food web, find animals and plants that live there. Arctic foxes and hawks perhaps wolves feed on plant eaters such as arctic hare, deer and mice who feed on lichen, heath and low growing trees. All eventually are consumed by by bacteria, even in the cold of the arctic, and converted to compounds that support plants.

Where can you find a lichen?

arctic tundra, hot deserts, rocky coasts and toxic slag heaps

What are some of the variations of the plants in the tundra?

Some common plant variations in the tundra include mosses, lichens, grasses, sedges, shrubs like willow and dwarf birch, and wildflowers like Arctic poppies and saxifrage. These plants have adapted to the harsh tundra environment with features like low-growing and compact growth forms to survive the cold temperatures, short growing season, and permafrost.

Nunavut plants and animals?

Plants- tundra, liches, mosses, grass, berries, shrubs, flowers, animals- stuff you find in Nunavut

What are interesting facts about the arctic tundra?

The word Tundra means "Tree less plain" The tundra is kown as the second most deadly environment in the world. The tundra is considered the coldest of all biomes. Only the top layer in the soil can thaw in the summer, which doesn't allow plants requiring a deep root structure to grow Some plants that live in the tundra are arctic moss, arctic willow, bearberries, caribou moss, and pasque flowers. Some animals in the tundra would include polar bears, arctic foxes, caribou, arctic hares, snowy owls, muskox, wolves, and lemmings

What kinds of roots might you expect to find on plants that grow in arctic soil?

The roots of plants in arctic soil are shallow, but I am not sure why. Sorry!