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Nutria can be found in the State of Oregon.

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Q: In which states can you find the animal known as a nutria?
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One can find a listing of all animal clinics in the United States by going on Evionet. You can see the full listing on this website along with reviews of each center.

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Hi, they were known as "Dauphin", or dolphin. You can find an extensive explanation here: .

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you have to go to roxxanamoxie and talke then go to carnival and in the tree and on top of one carnival stand you will find a key, the key is to a boat. you go to the island and capture a dancing nutria fruit , you sail back and give it too her and correct her thankyou! blimey effort much!

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Nutria Rats and alligators are two that I know of. Can both be used for meat and hides. Let me know what the other 3 are if you find out!

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In the link below you will find a list of US states. Along with additional information is their state flags which contain what could be known as their state colors.

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