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Q: In which system are all three types of muscles involved in homeostasis?
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What are the three main functions of endocrine system?

maintain homeostasis and regulate reproductive system

Which muscles are most likely involved in tmj disorder?

If you had to pick an answer which named three muscles, it would be MASSETER, PTERYGOID & TEMPORALIS.

What three muscles are involved in flexion of the elbow joint?

biceps brachii,corahobrachialis,biseps

What are the three types of muscles found in the skeletal system?

cardiac, smooth, and skeletal.

What are three different organ systems that work together to he maintain homeostasis?

Respiratory System ( heat and cold ) Digestive System ( hunger and thirst ) Excretory System ( elimination of waste products )

How many muscles are in a muscular system?

A muscle has three parts; the origin, insertion and belly.

3 kinds of muscles?

The three kinds of muscles are the smooth, cardiac and the skeletal. The smooth muscles are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The cardiac muscles are in the heart and the skeletal help move our bodies.

What kind of muscles are found covering your skeleton?

Skelatal muscles. there are three types of muscles Smooth (linining the digestive system) Cardiac (your heart) and Skelatal (triceps biceps pecs)

What is the body's muscular system and what three types of muscles does it include?

The three types of muscles are skeletal (striated, voluntary; e.g., biceps brachii), cardiac (striated, involuntary; i.e., myocardium), and smooth muscles (smooth, involuntary; e.g., gut).

What are three examples of how the cardiovascular system helps maintain homeostasis?

carrying nutrients to your cells.removing waste from your also helps regulation by carrying

What substances regulate an organisms pH so it can maintain homeostasis?

There are three major systems that control pH levels. They are the respiratory system, the chemical and physiological buffering system, and the urinary system.