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Q: In which type of blood transfusion does the blood come from another person?
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What treatment is available for high blood plasma?

My guess would be to give a blood transfusion of platelets only. They will soon come back, but its great to give blood.

Hematologic test done with in 8 hrs these tests was done at the same lab. In the hospital out come was 6.6 morning to 7.9 afternoon. How could this be?

it is not possible. only can be possible by blood transfusion.

How does blood come out of the body when a person dies and what is the cause Ex is it coming from the lungs or the stomach?

Normally blood does not come out unless there is a wound.

Why the antibodies anti A and anti B in blood group O do not destroy cells of blood group A or B destroy?

They do sometimes. Sometimes an O mother's anti-A and anti-B antibodies come in contact with an A, B, or AB baby's blood and cause problems with the baby's blood by destroying its blood cells and the baby may need a blood transfusion.

Is it possible for a mother to have a child with AB blood type when she is type O and the father is type B?

no above is another ignorant person offering a stupid answer. The answer is no. Your blood group can come from either parents or even grandparents.

Why is umbilical cord blood collection important?

This can come in handy for babies that need a blood transfusion. There are many places that will collect these for free. Studies have proven that this blood can help the child recover from illness later in life. It has also been shown to help siblings in need of plasma transplants.

What happens when they do not match for blood groups?

Although blood transfusions can be life-saving, they are not without risks. Blood transfusions sometimes cause transfusion reactions. There are several types of reactions and some are worse than others. Some reactions happen as soon as the transfusion is started, while others take several days or even longer to develop. 1-Allergic reaction Usually the only symptoms are hives and itching, which can be treated with antihistamines like diphenhydramine (Benadryl). 2-Febrile reaction This means that that the person gets a sudden fever during or within 24 hours of the transfusion. Headache, nausea, chills, or a general feeling of discomfort may come with the fever. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) may help these symptoms. 3- Transfusion-related acute lung injury It often starts within 1 to 2 hours of starting the transfusion, but can happen anytime up to 6 hours after a transfusion. The main symptom of TRALI is trouble breathing. 4- Acute immune hemolytic reaction It happens when donor and patient blood types do not match. The patient's antibodies attack the transfused red blood cells, causing them to break open (hemolyze) and release harmful substances into the bloodstream. Patients may have chills, fever, chest and lower back pain, and nausea. The kidneys may be badly damaged, and dialysis may be needed. A hemolytic reaction can be deadly if the transfusion is not stopped as soon as the reaction starts. 5-Delayed hemolytic reaction This type of reaction happens when the body slowly attacks antigens (other than ABO antigens) on the transfused blood cells. The blood cells are broken down days or weeks after the transfusion. There are usually no symptoms, but the transfused red blood cells are destroyed and the patient's red blood cell count falls. In rare cases the kidneys may be affected, and treatment may be needed. 6-Graft-versus-host disease Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) occurs when a person with a very weak immune system gets white blood cells in a transfused blood product. The white cells from the transfusion attack the tissues of the patient who got the blood. Hope these help =)

If it is wrong for a Jehovah witness to donate blood where does the blood fractions they use come from?

Since the Bible commands us to "abstain from blood" accepting blood fractions is left up to the conscience of the individual witness. Some are OK with fractions, considering them no longer blood. Others refuse them also. It seems unlikely a witness would donate their blood if it may be used for a transfusion (and therefore break God's law). So I assume blood fractions would have to come form blood donated from non-witnesses.

Did you get aids by fingernail scarch of little bleed?

Yes you can, HIV can be transferred from one to another trough blood or sexual intercourse. If an HIV infected person's blood had to come in contact with somebody else's the transfer of HIV is highly possible.

A person's red blood goes down to 3 and needs several blood transfusion sometimes two pints at a time and doctors don't know the cause of blood loss what can be the problem?

Well... Maybe they get into a lot of bad situations (dangerous ones) and lose a lot of blood when getting hurt. Or Maybethere's a disease that causes the Heart to not make as much blood as the human body needs. if you want more info on this disease, (idk what its called), go to Google and Search Blood loss disease and im sure something will come up. Hope I Helped! ^_^ (._.)

Can you catch hepatitis c from silverware if carrier has bleeding gums?

Hepatitis c is highly contagious disease. It is transmitted from blood to blood. If a person has hepatitis c, the only way silverware would be contagious, if there blood was on it, someone touching it with a open wound, cut,sore. The infected blood would have to come in contact with another persons blood.

When you get satbed why does blood come out of your mouth?

When a person gets stabbed, blood can come out of the mouth because blood has leaked into areas like the esophagus, lungs, or stomach. A large amount of blood in these areas that the body cannot process, has to go somewhere.