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Q: In which war did plague wipe out one-third of the people in Athens?
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Which war did plague wipe out one third of the people in Athens?

Peloponnesian War

What happened to London after the plague?

The Great Fire of London occurred Which in all probability help to wipe out the remaining infestations of the plague.

How did the plague get to Sicily?

it flew by aircraft and the russians drobbed through a bomb in an attempt to wipe out the jews

Why did Spaniards find empty villages?

Plague or local enemies would often wipe out an entire village leaving them empty.

Is black plague communicable or non communicable?

Yes, it was. That's why it was such a problem. Communicable essentially means contagious. Think about cancer. It's a major societal issue, but it doesn't wipe out entire civilizations like, say, the plague did. That's because if I had cancer, and then came in contact with you, you wouldn't get cancer. The plague was different! Anyway, yes, the black plague is a communicable disease.

How can human activities affect extreme climate?

It could destroy lands, causing people with nowhere to settle. Or, terrible flooding and such could wipe out people. If it's very bad, the weather might be able to break open a nuclear reactor and radiation could be let out, wiping out millions. If there was a long drought, decaying organisms can release bacteria, causing a plague.

What did Hitler do in the 2nd world war?

tried to wipe out a race of people.

How did the rats survive the black plague?

In general, they didn't, any more than humans did. Bubonic plague is deadly to rats and most rodents, just like it is to humans. However, given the very rapid breeding times of rats, bubonic plague is unable to wipe out entire rat populations. So, just as the Black Death didn't kill all humans (at least some were immune, and others recovered after infection), it doesn't kill all rats.

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some people in the wild use them to wipe the butt or the use it for tobbaco

Were there many people of Jewish origin living there and that's why the Germans tried to wipe it out?


How serious were the Nazis?

People have to be serious to try to wipe out entire races and lifestyles.

Was it right to wipe out people in Vietnam?

yes. the gooks deserved everything they got