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3rd week

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Q: In which week is the lining of the uterus being repaired?
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Related questions

When does the embryo implants in the uterus wall?

In the fallopian tubes or in the abdominal cavity, attaching sometimes to organs such as the kidneys or intestines.

Where does baby grow?

In the uterus. It attaches it self to the uterine lining around week 2 of pregnancy and makes that its happy home till birth :)

How likely are you to get pregnant if you have had lining of womb removed?

If it's totally gone, not very likely. The egg may get fertilized, a clump of cells may form, but without the lining for it to nestle in, it won't live much longer. If you however had it removed by having your uterus scraped due to miscarriage or an abortion, you can be ovulating as soon as a week after and you are highly fertile after a pregnancy. The lining of the uterus us after all removed every month when you get your period.

Why do you only bleed slightly for about 1 day on your pill free week?

It is the bonus side effect from taking hormonal BCP. The lining in the uterus is not as built up so there is less to shed.

The stage of development in which the developing human attaches to the lining of the uterus?

Your little blastocyst implants into the uterine lining in the third week. Soon a placenta will begin functioning, until then your baby to be is receiving oxygen and nutrients through a very early circulatory system - microscopic channels that connect to the rich uterine lining are taking care of all his or her needs.

What are endometrial polyps?

I had endometrial polys removed last week I have gone through menposal will I start having periods again

Where does fertilized egg go from the uterus?

An egg breaks from the ovary during ovulation, it then travels down the fallopian tubes where if there are sperm present it may be fertilized and travel down to the uterus to develop into a fetus. If not fertilized the egg stays within the fallopian tube and is reabsorbed into the body.

Is it normal to spot while on the sugar pills?

The birth control pill can make the lining of the uterus thinner, and so you don't bleed as much during the pill-free week. Sometimes it's just spotting.

Can you spot during the first few weeks of pregnancy?

Yes you can spot during the first week of you pregnancy. The egg is being planted into the uterus.

Normal investigation of uterus in sixth week of pregnancy?


Why menstruation is considered a cycle?

The Menstruation Cycle has a specific beginning, middle, end, and repeats almost the same every month. Bleeding begins/ends, the uterus begins preparing for the egg, the egg is released, if not fertilized the uterus sheds the extra lining... bleeding begins, ends, the "cycle" begins again. A cycle can be off a day or week, or skipped, but when it resumes, it begins the same steps.

How hard do the uterus get during the 1st or second week of pregnancy?

During the first and second week the uterus is still very soft. With first pregnancies the uterus can not usually touchable hard until probably the third or fourth month of pregnacy. Much earlier you may be very bloated (due to hormones) which could easliy be mistaken fr the uterus