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No one is sure exactly when and who the compass was invented by. It was supposedly made in the 3rd century BCE though, and was made for the use of Feng Shui practitioners to "align" the forces of the earth to help them maintain balance in their lives, but later became an important navigational tool.

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Q: In which year was compass invented and who was the inventor?
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What was the name of the inventor of the compass?

Feng Shui was the inventor of the compass.I do not agree to that.Feng Shui was the name of the thing they used the compass for, not the person who invented the compass!

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Elmer Ambrose Sperry was the inventor of the gyro compass and gyroscope.

Why is it unclear who invented the compass?

because the compass was modified by many cultures that we can't name one inventor

Which Chinese inventor invented the compass?

No one knows. All we know is that the Chinese and Europeans helped to make the Chinese compass.

What year was the compass invented in?

The compass was made in 1300.

When was compass invented?

The first compass was invented around the year 1044. Modern liquid magnetic compasses stem from the mariners compass that was invented in Europe around 1190.

In what year was the magnetic compass invented?

the magnetic compass was invented between 221-206 B.C . i hope my answer was useful and enjoy learning about the compass

What year was the magnetic compass made?

The dry compass was invented around 1300.

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What is the name of the Chinese inventor who made the compass?

It isn't really known who actually invented the compass, but we do know that it was around 215 B.C.E. (also can be written as 215 BC)

Who invented the compass on a keychain?

The compass on a key-chain idea was invented many years ago. This invention is still used today by many people. Honestly, there is no "for sure" inventor of this, people just started doing it and this idea became more known.

Who was the inventor of the math compass?
