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Q: Income tax rates for 2002-03
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What does annual income rates mean?

Tax rates by IRS based on annual income. They are on the web site. Income determines tax bracket.

Individual income tax rates are usually this of tax the higher the income the higher the tax rate?


What are the state income tax rates for each state?

State Individual Income Tax Rates, 2000-2010Click on the below Related Link

Similarities between state income tax and federal income tax?

The taxable amounts of the income from each income tax return will be taxed at the tax rates for the state and for the federal.

What are tax rates in which the percentage of tax is the same regardless of the level of income?

Tax rates in which the percentage of tax is the same regardless of the level of income is most likely a proportional tax. This is sometimes also referred to as a flat tax.

When the government implements programs such as progressive income tax rates what is likely to occur?

When the government inplement programs such as progressive income tax rates what ocurr.

What are the different income tax brackets?

Tax brackets are the rates that people pay on their taxable income. The actual rates vary and can range anywhere from 10% to 35%. The tax rates vary based on factors such as marriage status.

What is the relationship of base to rate structure in individual income tax?

the rate structure for the individual income tax has been progressive, meaning that tax rates graduate upward as the base of taxable income increases. Different tax rates apply to ranges of income, called brackets.

Indinvidual income tax rates are usually this type of tax the higher the income the higher the tax rate?

i think its Progressive(Kaylop)

How do income tax rates increase every year?

Income tax rates often increase each year because it is 20% of income. This means that the more a person earns, they will have to pay a bit more tax each time.

What are the differences between tax rates?

Total income tax as a percentage of total taxable income is the average tax rate, whereas total income tax as a percentage of total economic income is the effective tax rate.

What are the income tax rates in Pakistan tax year 2012?

Wait for 2012!