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I'd say either meth or heroin

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Q: Infected abscess from injecting drug scabbed sores on face and arms what drug is this?
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How can you catch Impetigo?

Impetigo causes weeping sores, its the 'weeping' that is contagious. Be it via skin to skin contact, a towel or virtually anything. When the sores are fully scabbed they are not contagious, its only the liquid inside the sores that is contagious.

Can chickenpox spread before onset of scars?

Chickenpox is contagious until the chickenpox blisters and sores are scabbed.

Can you leave the house if you have chickenpox?

If you have the chickenpox, you should stay home until you are no longer contagious; that is, until all blisters and sores have scabbed.

What does an elbow infected with staph look like?

An elbow that is infected with staph infection will be red and it may have sores on it. In worst cases, the sores are open and oozing.

Can cold sores turn into impetago?

Cold sores can be secondarily infected with bacteria, resulting in impetigo.

What are infected pressure sores on the skin called?


Aluminium cans give you cold sores?

Aluminium cans can give you cold sores only if you immediately drink from an infected persons can.

How common are colds?

Cold sores are common; 80% of us are infected with the virus.

Can you get cold sores by having a low immune system?

If you are infected with the herpes virus, then yes you can.

What happens if you become infected by the bubonic plague?

You will get black sores and they will pop and you would eventually die.

Can impetigo be infectious?

It can also be spread to other people if they touch the infected sores or if they have contact with the soiled clothing, diapers, bed sheets, or toys of an infected person.

A person infected with genital herpes can pass on the infection even if what isn't present painful blisters discharge and itch pus and mucus chancre sores?

according to, genital herpes can be spread via sores. but can be spread via blood if sores are not present. so the answer is sores!