

Information about enzymes

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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they can be reused plenty of times before being broken down. certain subtraits goes with certain enzymes, like a puzzle.

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Q: Information about enzymes
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What is the most important information about Enzymes?

They perform catalytic mechanisms.

Where do proper enzymes come from?

synthesized from coded information of gene

What do enzymes do in your bodies?

the information of the enzymes are in the nucleus made in the cytoplasm so the messenger goes to the cytoplasm to make a new protien then it is sent to the blood so it can go where it is needed

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All cells do not contains the same types enzymes.

All cells in multicellular organisms contain thousands of different kinds of enzymes that are specialized to catalyze different chemical reactions. Given this information which of the following is mos?

All cells do not contains the same types enzymes.

What is the scientific name of enzymes?

Enzymes is the scientific name for enzymes.

Body systems that use enzymes?

This is a really good question. However, I only know one system that uses enzymes, and that happens to be the digestive system. In your mouth,where the digestive system takes place, enzymes work together and forms a soft liquid chemical(saliva) that makes the chewed food slide easily down your esophagus. There are also enzymes that are resonsible for digesting fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Without the enzymes, we would all have trouble digesting. I hope this information will help!

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