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Information system can be any organized combination of people, hardward, softward, communitcation networks and data resources that collects, transforms and disseminates in an organization. End Users who use the informatio systems or the information its product. Most of end users in business are knowledge worker and spend more of their time on communicating and collaborating in term of workgroups and creating, using, distributing informatioin in an organization. Accurate information is crucial to an organizations current and future success. Information is a key ingredient in both short and long-term decision making. Among factors that contribute to the need for timely and accurate information are expanded markets, increase competition, shorter product life cycles and increased cost pressure. Value of information is directly linked to help decision maker achieve their goals.

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Q: Information system that use in modern organization?
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i think the reason for my organization to start a new information system development project is forced by the change from the old type of doing things, and to use the new modern advanced technology development.

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ERP System Enterprise Resource Planning System

What are the 3 objectives of accounting information system?

Please remove the hard returns, delete this comment, and resubmit. Thanks! Three objectives of an accounting information system are:The identifying the best use of capital resources and communicating the information through the organization;Measuring and analyzing the historical financial performance of an organization;Identifying the economic conditions of a country and use measurements that confirms to the international standards.

The senior managers of a large business organisation want to know whether they should use information system to support their strategic decision?

To clarify the question: "The senior managers of a large business organization want to know whether they should use [thier organization's] information system[s] to support [strategic decisions]. Answer - Yes if 1) they trust the information their organization's information systems contain (bad input = bad output) 2) there are individuals who a) understand the data their systems contain b) are competent enough with the system to extract that data to present an accurate picture of the organization and its transactions c) are able to communicate that data effectively to senior management.

Why are there so many conceptual classifications of information systems Why are they typically integrated in the information systems found in the real world?

There is no any sure and certain way of information system which is perfect to each and every kind of organizations. Different nature of organizations has different ways of doing things and keeping the datas.As per the functions performed in organization information's are kept in different formats and order. So there are different conceptual classifications of information systems which vary as per the size, functions and structure of organization. These conceptual information systems help the management of the organization to decide about which system to follow in their organization, considering their functions, size and structure. These concepts of information systems are scientific and systematic as well as effective to use, in order to manage the information's available in the organization for the future prospect. In real world organizations need to analyze and store data's and information in order to use them at the time of need so they typically integrate these concepts of information system in their business so as to have reliable and smooth information management system which is more favorable to their kind of organization.

How to use information systems effectively?

To use information systems effectively, it's important to have clear goals and objectives in mind. Make sure to align the use of information systems with the needs of your organization or business. Regularly evaluate the performance of the information systems and make necessary adjustments to optimize their use. Communication and training for users are also key to ensuring effective utilization of information systems.

What is information system planning?

Information system planning is the process of defining the strategic direction for an organization's use of technology to achieve its goals. It involves assessing current systems, identifying future needs, aligning IT resources with business objectives, and creating a roadmap for implementing and managing technology solutions effectively. The goal is to ensure that technology investments support the organization's overall strategy and objectives.

Is for the exclusive use of individuals within an organization and contains information only about and for that organization?


Is for the exclusive use of individuals within an organization and contains information only about and for that organization.?


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