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THC from cannabis use only stays in the system at detectable levels for a few hours. However, it can be detected in the blood stream of chronic users at low levels for several days or weeks after the last use.

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Q: Infrequent cannabis user drug test
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an infrequent weed smoker is someone who doesnt even know the basics about smoking weed. they can't light their own bowl and get super ripped quickly after smoking a tiny portion. Maybe once a week is the most frequent they smoke.

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Interesting question, yes and no depending on how high the dose of the particular drug is. For example if its a small amount of cannabis then the body can tolerate both the effect and the side effect of the drug. However if its a large amount of cannabis then the user will be either really chilled out or going to puke.

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Once a month or less.

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No, but you can not use cocaine and pass a drug test for cocaine.

Will smoking marijuana one time fail a drug test?

'Infrequent' is an indistinct measure. One 'use' of marijuana may leave traces for several days. Repeated uses may extend the time before a user is completely free of drug residue. This will vary with the amount of the drug that enters the system and the persons metabolism. So if someone smokes several joints on Saturday, they could possibly fail a drug test as late as the following Friday, maybe even later.

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