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Q: Ingredients for shinjuku shimmy at miyas sushi?
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Is sushie raw?

Most commonly Sushi is served with fresh, raw fish. However, sushi does not, by definition, mean raw fish. Certain dishes are cooked and considered sushi.

What are the bad ingredients in sushi?

Probaly the seaweed.....

What is the difference between sushi and Nori rolls?

Maki sushi or makizushi is rolled into a tube and then cut into circles. This is the most common sushi you see. Hand roll sushi or temaki is a whole piece of seaweed wrapped around the ingredients in the shape of a cone. These are left as is and are not cut into smaller pieces like the maki sushi it.

What are the compounds found in sushi?

It depends, the type of sushi and the person making the sushi gives much more options for different kinds. But basically it contains raw fish, rice, rice vinegar, and seaweed. It doesn't really matter how much of each ingredients added to create the sushi, it just matters what is put into the sushi.

What are the two main ingredients you need in sushi?

rice and algae

Can sushi be cooked?

There are some sushi rolls that are made with fried ingredients. 'Crunchy' rolls or tempura rolls have some fried ingredients in them. I have had a roll that was rolled in panko and then deep fried.

Does eating sushi cause rashes?

If you have an allergy to one or more of the ingredients it may cause a rash.

What is the famous sushi of japan?

The common ingredient across all the different kinds of sushi is sushi rice. The variety in sushi arises from the different fillings and toppings, condiments, and their preparation. The same ingredients may be assembled in a traditional or a contemporary way, creating a very different final result.

Where can recipes for sushi rice be found?

Japanese Food, Food Network, and especially YouTube are where an individual can find recipes for sushi rice and how to make it. They have ingredients and instructions listed also.

Is sushi okay while breastfeeding?

Sushi can be okay while breastfeeding, but be careful. Some sushi is just sweet rice, vegetables, and cooked fish, all of which are healthy at any time. Other types of sushi, primarily sashimi, contain ingredients (like raw fish) that you should consult a doctor about.

Is sushi a japanese dish or a Chinese dish?

Sushi is a Japanese dish consisting of shari (cooked vinegared rice) and neta (other ingredients, often raw fish). The word originally means "sour" for the taste of original fermented fish sushi or narezushi.

Does sushi contain red algae?

No, sushi itself translates to raw fish- but many combination rolls may contain reg algae- just ask the waitor or look at the label for the ingredients