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Q: Initial French colonization of North America was centered around which territory?
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What motivated englands initial attempts to colonize?

The colonization was financed by private companies that expected to realize a significant return on their investment, gold, silver, tobacco.

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Pedro Álvares Cabral's discovery of Brazil in 1500 led to the colonization of the region by the Portuguese. This colonization resulted in the displacement and mistreatment of Indigenous peoples, the introduction of European diseases, and the exploitation of natural resources. Brazil eventually became a significant producer of commodities like sugar, coffee, and rubber due to this initial discovery and subsequent colonization.

What was the process of colonization in North America?

In general terms, the 'process of colonization' that affected North America was the movement of Europeans from their European homes into new homes on the North American continent. Initially tentative and often unsuccessful, the process established initial settlements in coastal areas; later, those settlements led to inland settlements, with communications and overarching administrative services established. Still later, entire regions became 'civilized' by new arrivals and the growth of the older settlers, along with regulatory and other support from the home-country and, not to be overlooked, the dispersal of Natives in the areas being colonized.

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011 44, followed by the UK number, omitting the initial 0.

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The goal was, in short, to land Allied troops on German- occupied territory, and begin the initial invasion of German-occupied Europe.It was successful.

Was Jamestown settled on the eastern or western of North America?

It was settled on the eastern part of North America. The western part of North America was not settled or explored for nearly 40 years after the initial colonies had been established.

Which colony was not founded for religious reasons?

During the colonization of North America in the 1600s, religion was very nearly always influential in the lives of the colonists. Distinctly, however, the Jamestown colony was one of the very first to be founded (in 1607) which was from the start aimed at economic benefits rather than religious freedom. Its initial hopes of rich economic success were not fulfilled; however, it is generally considered to have been the first permanent English settlement in North America.

Is it true that commerce was the most common initial reason for European settlement in North America?

According to my history book, that's true.